Thursday, August 6, 2009

Breakfast amigos

Here's a little behind the scenes view of the Town Crier. Many of you know, at least the names, of the editorial staff, Marshall and I write most the stories, and Becky is the editor.

But to sprew our thoughts out to the world requires the help of 8 more people. I won't reveal names since they are behind the scenes (maybe they don't exist).

We're actually a pretty good team. We laugh and joke, really it's not that evil here. But eating is our speciality. We'll celebrate birthdays, several times a year, just for the cake, ice cream and beer.

Sometimes one of our most special people will bring donuts in the morning so that our coffee tastes better. But today, the morning cuisine was (honest) tortilla strips and guacamole dip. So if you think some of the stories don't meet past standards, imagine dipping tortilla strips with guacamole in your coffee.

Maybe that would work on St Pat's day, green (baby food green) coffee! But in the middle of August, it takes a strong stomach, but that's your TC staff, willing to do the difficult to keep the news coming.

Of course, the other side (a good reporter gets both sides) argues that this is healthy grains and fruit, perfect to start the day. Huh? I prefer liquid grains and crunchy fruit.

I admit I miss the chocolate donuts with coconut, but I'm still reading the Web. There will be other mornings. But Marshall claims he has stomach contractions (don't ask, I know what you're thinking, shame) and nausea; yet he's still here punching the keyboard too. Dedication!

So that's how the day goes. But we're all still friends even though the tortilla strips were substituted for the donuts.

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