What's going on at the dump, foundly known as the "Transfer Station" in bureaucratese. Fess up you cognoscentes!
On Friday, as we were huffing up Saunders Meadow, Monk alerted me to the car parked in front of the gate to the "Dump". Since this was before 7 a.m., we wondered what's happening at the dump if people are lining up 60 to 90 minutes before it opens. Really!
So what's the big deal about a car parked in front of the gate? It's the second time in 10 days that we've notice this phenonomen. They were different cars each time, but drivers were behind the steering wheel and motors off both times. Do you think they were trying to reclaim a valuable before Waste Management transferred it to a decent burial site?
Once the driver looked asleep. The head on the steering wheel was the clue.
Thinking outside the box is Monk's specialty and he offered the following suggestion:
- Maybe they aren't lining up to get in, perhaps they're leaving. Is the dump a secret "Rave" site? On Thursday nights, is this where the in crowd goes to get wasted, talk garbage and pick up a trashy date?
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